Charles Powell

Director, Elcano Royal Institute,

Charles Powell read History and Modern Languages at Oxford University, where he later wrote a D. Phil. thesis on Spain’s transition to democracy. He was subsequently a Lecturer in History at Corpus Christi College, Oxford, the J. A. Pye Research Fellow at University College, Oxford, and a Junior Research Fellow at St. Antony’s College, Oxford, where he is currently a Member of the Senior Common Room.

From 1997 to 2000 he was deputy director of the European Studies programme of the Ortega y Gasset University Institute, and was later appointed deputy director of the Ortega y Gasset Foundation’s Spanish Centre for International Relations (CERI). In 2001 he joined the Elcano Royal Institute as Senior Analyst for Europe, and in 2004 he was appointed Deputy Director for Research and Analysis. Since 2001, he is also a Professor in Contemporary History at the CEU San Pablo University (Madrid). Since 2011, he is a member of the council of the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR).

Selected publications: His recent published work on international affairs includes El amigo americano. España y EEUU de la dictadura a la democracia (Galaxia Gutenberg, 2011), ‘España en Europa, Europa en España’ (en Emilio Lamo de Espinosa (coord.), Europa después de Europa, Academia Europea de Ciencias y Artes, 2010) and Las democracias occidentales frente al terrorismo global (coeditado con Fernando Reinares, Editorial Ariel, 2008).