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EU budget post 2020: the next MFF

This is a closed-door event where we will discuss the EU budget post-2020.


Stefan Lehner

Director, Own Resources and Multiannual financial framework, European Commission, DG Budget,

Giacomo Benedetto

Jean Monnet Chair in European Union Budget Policy, Royal Holloway University of London,

Marcin Kwasowski

Deputy Director, Department of Economic Policy of the EU, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Poland,

Salvatore Serravalle

Deputy Secretary General in charge of the budget, Secretariat General for European affairs, France,

Laurent Zylberberg

Joining remotely

Chairman, European Long-Term Investors Association (ELTI)

President in charge of Public, International and European Affairs, Caisse des Dépôts Group

Barbara Balke

Director of Legal Department Corporate, European Investment Bank,

Following up on our March event, we are organising a round table in order to probe deeper into the questions surrounding the EU budget after the year 2020. Firstly, we will look at the new challenges that have emerged since the 2014-20 MFF negotiations, as well as the European Commission's detailed proposal. The main question is that of what the EU wants to do. In the second part of the event we are 'minding the gap' by discussing how to fill the financing ‘hole’ left by Brexit. This is the reason why, we ask how financial instruments and flexibility tools around the EU budget (like the Juncker plan guarantee mechanism) could be used in the next MFF.

The event is held under the Chatham House Rule and will not be livestreamed.


Presentation by Stefan Lehner