United states

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Showing 17-32 of 56 results

19 July 2022

Euro-dollar parity: beyond symbolism

Lack of certainty that the euro will stay prevents it from a greater international role. Until addressed, the dollar will continue to be hegemon.

22 September 2021

Europe doesn’t need a ‘Mega-Fab’

Europe should defend its existing dominance in equipment manufacturing for semiconductors and invest in chip design instead of luring high-end fabrica

11 June 2021

A transatlantic climate alliance

When Joe Biden visits Europe for the first time as US president, he should begin forging a transatlantic green deal.

04 June 2021

A transatlantic climate alliance

When Joe Biden visits Europe for the first time as US president, he should begin forging a transatlantic green deal.

03 June 2021

Is Bidenomics more than catch-up?

The Biden administration's promises to 'think big' and rebuild the country seem like a major historical departure from decades of policy orthodoxy.