
Bruegel Blog (archive)

Timely analysis on the latest developments in economic policy. The Blog is a point of reference for policymakers, influencers and journalists.

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04 June 2012

The Weekender

Dear All, There are a number of important events to monitor this week. In Japan, PM Noda’s will decide whether to restart nuclear reactors in Ohi ag

01 June 2012

The momentum for Eurobills

What’s at stake: The European discussion towards the establishment of Eurobonds is progressing at a rapid pace as officials have begun focusing on pre

29 May 2012

The Weekender

Dear All, It has been an eventful week with financial instability in Europe over the last few weeks translating into very weak high frequency survey (

25 May 2012

Ethical economists

What’s at stake: The members of the American Economic Association received on Wednesday an email signaling that – beginning July 1, 2012 – all submiss

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