
Bruegel Blog (archive)

Timely analysis on the latest developments in economic policy. The Blog is a point of reference for policymakers, influencers and journalists.

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10 October 2012

Why France will have no budget rule

Like in other countries, the French Constitutional Council was asked to decide on the compatibility of the European fiscal treaty with the Constitutio

10 October 2012

Whatever it takes... maybe

“Whatever it takes” were the words that boosted market confidence and spread optimism throughout world media last week. However, interpretations to ye

10 October 2012

Is Germany heading towards a referendum?

The question of the compatibility of the German constitution (officially known as the Basic Law), with further European integration is at the origin o

26 September 2012

Eine schwierige Beziehung

Bruegel-Forscher Georg Zachmann zu politischen und ökonomischen Hintergründe des Streits zwischen EU und Gazprom

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