
Bruegel Blog (archive)

Timely analysis on the latest developments in economic policy. The Blog is a point of reference for policymakers, influencers and journalists.

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Showing 385-400 of 2398 results

21 December 2018

Ethics and artificial intelligence

Machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) systems are rapidly being adopted across the economy and society. Early excitement about the benefit

10 December 2018

Les gilets jaunes

For weeks, protesters wearing yellow motorist vests have taken to the streets of Paris to protest against the rising price of fuel. They have since ta

03 December 2018

The international role of the euro

The authors assess whether the euro area should pursue a greater international role for the euro, as outlined by European Commission president Jean-Cl

03 December 2018

Green central banking

A few weeks ago, Silvia Merler discussed the rise of “ethical investing”. A related question emerging from the discussion is whether central banks sho

29 November 2018

Machine learning and economics

Machine learning (ML), together with artificial intelligence (AI), is a hot topic. Economists have been looking into machine learning applications not

19 November 2018

The Brexit withdrawal agreement

On November 14th the UK government cabinet approved the draft text of the withdrawal agreement, the deal reached between EU and UK negotiators. The de

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Bruegel considers itself a public good and takes no institutional standpoint. Anyone is free to republish and/or quote any of our posts without prior consent. Please provide a full reference, clearly stating Bruegel and the relevant author as the source and include a prominent hyperlink to the original post.