
Bruegel Blog (archive)

Timely analysis on the latest developments in economic policy. The Blog is a point of reference for policymakers, influencers and journalists.

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Showing 401-416 of 2398 results

05 November 2018

Jair Bolsonaro’s Brazil

Far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro won the Brazilian presidential elections after a highly polarising campaign. We review economists’ and scholars’ vi

29 October 2018

The rise of 'ethical' investing

We are used to think about the value of investment as measured by financial return. But investing with an eye to environmental or social issues and, m

08 October 2018

Financial panic and the Great Recession

A debate on the roles of financial panic in the Great Recession has been pitting Ben Bernanke against Paul Krugman in what has been characterised as “

02 October 2018

One club does not fit all in Europe

In this column, Jean Pisani-Ferry argues how the EU can become a more effective global player, following the Policy Brief "One size does not fit all:

01 October 2018

Digesting the Salzburg Summit

As the moment of truth for Brexit negotiations is approaching, with the October European Council around the corner, we review opinions on the outcome

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Bruegel considers itself a public good and takes no institutional standpoint. Anyone is free to republish and/or quote any of our posts without prior consent. Please provide a full reference, clearly stating Bruegel and the relevant author as the source and include a prominent hyperlink to the original post.