
Bruegel Blog (archive)

Timely analysis on the latest developments in economic policy. The Blog is a point of reference for policymakers, influencers and journalists.

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Showing 833-848 of 2398 results

29 February 2016

The Sanders controversy

What’s at stake: A recent study claiming that Sanders policies would produce 5.3 percent growth a year over the next decade has been at the center of

22 February 2016

The impotency of central banks

What’s at stake: The negative market reaction to the latest efforts to provide further monetary stimulus has generated an important discussion on whet

18 February 2016

Child benefits for EU migrants in the UK

Statistics referenced by the House of Commons suggest that 0.26 percent of total UK child benefit claims are paid to EU migrants whose children live i

17 February 2016

The Eurozone needs less heterogeneity

Misalignments of real exchange rates continue to be the most visible and painful symptom of asymmetric shocks within the Eurozone. An important factor

17 February 2016

Hard times for Italian banks

Silvia Merler and Marcello Minenna review the structure of of the recently adopted Italian guarantees scheme, and look at solutions implemented in oth

01 February 2016

Belarus: time to reform

Belarus must speed up its transition to a market economy, in order to return to growth and to avoid a new balance of payments crisis. But such reform

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