
Bruegel Blog (archive)

Timely analysis on the latest developments in economic policy. The Blog is a point of reference for policymakers, influencers and journalists.

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19 March 2014

China and the renminbi matures

In economic terms, China is becoming more of an adult, and the renminbi is becoming a grown-up currency. Russia's actions in Ukraine have prompte

19 March 2014

A year since Cyprus

It is still too early to conclude that the Cyprus programme will be successful, particularly in terms of enabling the country to regain market access

19 March 2014

The World in 2020

For Europe, and within it, the EU and especially for those inside EMU, the need to change both their policy framework is particularly clear, not least

12 March 2014

Bruegel appoints new Board

In a General Assembly of the Brussels-based economics think tank Bruegel on February 24th, members approved a new Board. Jean-Claude Trichet was again

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