
Bruegel Blog (archive)

Timely analysis on the latest developments in economic policy. The Blog is a point of reference for policymakers, influencers and journalists.

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08 January 2014

Reactions on the German Coalition Treaty

More than two months after the Federal elections, Merkel’s CDU came to an agreement to form a coalition government with the Social Democrats

08 January 2014

Life after Bali

Negotiating round the clock, World Trade Organisation (WTO) members successfully concluded an agreement on a mini-package at Bali MC9, on a package of

08 January 2014

What Single Market?

“The commitment to complete the Digital Single Market by 2015 has to be delivered on: today's market fragmentation hampers the release of the dig

08 January 2014

Blogs review: Updating the Phillips curve

What’s at stake: The missing disinflation – or even deflation – in the Great Recession has generated a large literature, which proposes a set of

08 January 2014

Blogs review: Germany’s Energiewende

What’s at stake: Managing Germany’s highly ambitious plans for a transition to electricity generation from renewable sources will be a main task

08 January 2014

Blogs review: The minimum wage debate redux

What’s at stake: US President Barack Obama included a raise the minimum wage in last year’s budget in an effort to fight inequality and alleviate

08 January 2014

The protectionist dog that didn’t bark

Many trade safeguard actions have essentially protectionist and political motivations. Thus, the absence of sustained lobbying from the leading German

08 January 2014

A broader view on EU data protection

The data protection of EU citizens has been in focus ever since the surge in espionage scandals that began with the leaks from Edward Snowden. But bes

18 November 2013

Easing now or later?

There is almost no doubt that the ECB will need to loosen up its monetary stance a bit more, the question is when to do so?

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