
Bruegel Blog (archive)

Timely analysis on the latest developments in economic policy. The Blog is a point of reference for policymakers, influencers and journalists.

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Showing 1073-1088 of 2398 results

06 January 2015

A cognitive bubble in Brisbane

When the world leaders met in Brisbane on November 14-15, some sense of urgency may have been expected. Instead, they promised more “structu

06 January 2015

The convergence dream 25 years on

The 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall was widely celebrated – rightly so. The fall of communism opened the way for democracy, personal f

05 January 2015

A European gas market for everyone

The European energy landscape has changed markedly in 2014. Now the EU must rethink its relationship over gas with Russia and Ukraine.

05 January 2015

Permanent QE and helicopter money

What’s at stake: As the ECB contemplates its own version of quantitative easing, this review clarifies the conditions under which this policy is belie

23 December 2014

How can Europe escape recession in 2015?

A clear priority for 2015 will be to manage proactively the fallout from a possible continuation of the conflict with Russia. In addition, the eu

18 December 2014

The fall of real wages in Japan

A big question for the success or failure of the new economic policy strategy being implemented by Japanese Prime Minister Abe is the development in w

17 December 2014

„Der Gasstreit geht weiter“

Interview mit Bruegel-Forscher Georg Zachmann über den Gaskonflikt zwischen der EU, Russland und der Ukraine

17 December 2014

Europe should not fear foreign takeovers

Foreign takeovers are often a source of concern for national governments. Concerns might be of a strategic nature (for example over deals in the defen

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