
Bruegel Blog (archive)

Timely analysis on the latest developments in economic policy. The Blog is a point of reference for policymakers, influencers and journalists.

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Showing 1041-1056 of 2398 results

11 February 2015

The maths behind an amended Greek plan

While Mr Mr Varoufakis’s plan was received coldly by euro-area partners, recent media reports suggest that a compromise is in the making. In this

05 February 2015

ECB collateral damages on Greece

The European Central Bank’s Governing Council lifted the waiver of minimum credit rating requirements for greek government bonds which, until yesterda

03 February 2015

A major step towards a Greek compromise

Following a week of fright after the Greek elections, during which various statements by the new Greek government have raised the spectre of Grexit, F

03 February 2015

Who’s (still) exposed to Greece?

Following the recent elections, Greece has come under pressure. Fear is growing about the stance of the newly elected government and there have been s

03 February 2015

Can Greece become competitive overnight?

In a controversial piece recently published by the Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE), Anders Aslund illustrates how the problem wi

02 February 2015

The decline in inflation compensation

What’s at stake: While market measures of inflation compensation have declined on both sides of the Atlantic, Fed and ECB officials appear to hav

29 January 2015

The Italian malaise

Most countries experienced an increase in the number of enterprise bankruptcies as the financial crisis hit its darkest moment in early 2009. From the

29 January 2015

A European approach to corporate tax

The recent ‘tax-sweetener’ state-aid cases against Ireland for its agreements with Apple, Luxembourg with Amazon and Fiat, and the Netherlands with St

23 January 2015

Greek choices after the elections

In the days ahead of the Greek snap elections on 25 January 2015 a huge range of opinions has appeared on what Greece and its lenders should do. One c

23 January 2015

The ECB has fired its bazooka

The ECB announced today an expansion of its asset purchases, to include securities issued by European agencies and institutions, as well as central go

21 January 2015

The ECB’s bond-purchase dilemma

German opposition to government-bond purchases by the European Central Bank is solidifying ahead of the programme’s likely announcement on January 22.

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