
Bruegel Blog (archive)

Timely analysis on the latest developments in economic policy. The Blog is a point of reference for policymakers, influencers and journalists.

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15 June 2015

The empirical shift in economics

Rather than being unified by the application of the common behavioral model of the rational agent, economists increasingly recognize themselves in the

10 June 2015

Waiting for the Four Presidents' Report

The Four Presidents’ Report on the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) is expected to be released at the end of June, outlining how to strengthen econom

08 June 2015

The economics of parallel currencies

As Greece faces a severe shortage of euros, the idea of introducing a parallel currency used for some domestic transactions – while keeping the euro i

08 June 2015

Mathiness in economics

What’s at stake: Growth economist Paul Romer has caused a stir over the past few weeks in the blogosphere with a paper, first presented in January at

04 June 2015

Greece: where we stand and what to watch

It has been an intense couple of days on the front of Greek negotiations, with leaks from both sides. Beyond the noise, here are some key points to wa

27 May 2015

Corruptionomics in Italy

Tackling corruption is not only a matter of fairness, but it is also crucial to boost Italy’s potential output after three years of recession and almo

26 May 2015

The residual seasonality puzzle

While seasonal adjustment is generally considered uninteresting, the repetition of low first quarter GDP releases since 2010 has led many to wonder if

22 May 2015

“Dura Lex, sed Lex”(?)

On the 30th of April, the Italian Constitutional Court issued a decision on the pension reform introduced by the Monti government in 2011. The decisio

20 May 2015

Mind the gap (and its revision)!

In this post Zsolt Darvas presents an analysis of the revisions made to output gap estimates between 2001 and 2015 by the European Commission and the

19 May 2015

Europe’s integration overdrive

May 10 is the fifth anniversary of the bailout of Greece. Set almost exactly 60 years apart from the Schuman Declaration, the events triggered by the

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