
Bruegel Blog (archive)

Timely analysis on the latest developments in economic policy. The Blog is a point of reference for policymakers, influencers and journalists.

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Showing 961-976 of 2398 results

01 July 2015

Bond markets remaining calm

Following on from our blog on Monday, we take another look at the intra-day developments in the sovereign bond markets. So far, there appear to be no

29 June 2015

Greece: from default to Grexit?

The government of Greece has rejected the creditors’ conditions of the continuing bailout program and is heading to imminent default on its obligation

28 June 2015

(Lack of a) reaction in euro area yields

With the current situation in the ongoing Greek debt negotiations taking a turn for the worse this weekend, we take a look at other Euro area interest

22 June 2015

The 4% growth target

What's at stake: To contrast with President Obama’s middle class economics, the Republican Party – from Rand Paul’s proposal to repeal the entire

19 June 2015

The Russian pipeline waltz

This is an eventful period for EU-Russia gas relations. Six months ago Russian President Vladimir Putin surprised the energy world by dismissing the l

19 June 2015

Greece budget update

As Eurogroup discussions with Greece continue, the latest budget execution bulletin from the Greek finance ministry has been published yesterday, comp

18 June 2015

The slow-reform trap

Ukraine is perhaps the most convincing example of a victim of slow reform. Since independence in 1991, it has missed several political windows of oppo

15 June 2015

Is Greece destined to grow?

There is much talk about the impasse between Greece and its official lenders in their bail-out negotiations, so I thought I would write about somethin

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