
Bruegel Blog (archive)

Timely analysis on the latest developments in economic policy. The Blog is a point of reference for policymakers, influencers and journalists.

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Showing 993-1008 of 2398 results

18 May 2015

Greece’s hot summer

After a Eurogroup meeting that appears to have not achieved much progress, and after Greece met its most recent payment due to the IMF drawing on its

18 May 2015

Is the economy stationary?

What’s at stake: The question of whether capitalist economies are self-correcting and will eventually revert to mean growth has received renewed inter

06 May 2015

American poverty traps

What’s at stake: Recent research by the Equality of Opportunity Project, a venture led by Raj Chetty, Nathaniel Hendren, Patrick Kline and Emmanuel Sa

05 May 2015

Additional monetary easing for China?

As many other central banks in the Asian region, the People Bank of China (PBoC) has been on an easing mode for a few months now and more seems to be

27 April 2015

The Trans-Pacific Partnership

What’s at stake: U.S. Congressional leaders have recently introduced a bipartisan bill to renew the power of the president to&nbsp

20 April 2015

Inflation Surprises

While it is still too early to tell if the ECB QE programme launched on March 9 will manage to bring back inflation towards the target in the medium t

20 April 2015

The critique of modern macro

What’s at stake: This week’s conversation on the blogosphere focused on whether the modern macroeconomic tools developed in the stable macroeconomic e

17 April 2015

Will Greece run out of cash?

For many weeks now it has been regularly reported that Greece will run out of money if an agreement is not reached with the official lenders in the ne

14 April 2015

The Piketty theory controversy

What’s at stake: While Thomas Piketty’s documentation of the long-term evolution of income and wealth distributions is generally praised, the theoreti

08 April 2015

ECB Quantitative Easing on track

On 9 March 2015 the ECB began purchasing European sovereign and agency bonds and supranational debt securities under the Public Sector Purchase Progra

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