
Bruegel Blog (archive)

Timely analysis on the latest developments in economic policy. The Blog is a point of reference for policymakers, influencers and journalists.

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15 July 2015

The birth of European macroeconomics

In 1997, Milton Friedman warned that when politics clashes with economics, the outcome is not a pretty one. This column reviews some of criticisms and

14 July 2015

Europe's export superstars

What has contributed to Germany's exceptional export performance compared to other European countries?

13 July 2015

Professor Blanchard writes a Greek tragedy

Olivier Blanchard has, with his customary clarity and candor, addressed criticisms of the IMF’s role in Greece’s financial rescue. His is a perso

13 July 2015

Restructuring in the US currency union

On June 28, the governor of the Commonwealth territory announced that it would not be able to repay its debt. Puerto Rico has since asked Congress to

07 July 2015

Update: financial market developments

Following on from our previous blogs, we take another look at the intra-day developments in financial markets after yesterday’s European Council meeti

07 July 2015

Choices after the Greferendum

On Sunday, with a sizeable majority, the Greek people voted down the proposals of the country’s official lenders. What’s next? We see three main optio

06 July 2015

Keep calm … and reach a deal ASAP

A clear majority of Greek citizens has decided to decline the creditors’ proposal that was on the table on June 25. This result should not be over-int

06 July 2015

Wage and price inflation

What’s at stake: For the past few months, the Fed has been in a "wait-and-see" mode to assess the strength of the US recovery.

04 July 2015

In bad faith

On July 2, the IMF released its analysis of whether Greek debt was sustainable or not.  The report said that Greek debt was not sustain

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