
Bruegel Blog (archive)

Timely analysis on the latest developments in economic policy. The Blog is a point of reference for policymakers, influencers and journalists.

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Showing 1057-1072 of 2398 results

20 January 2015

QE and central bank solvency

What’s at stake: The European Central Bank will most likely reveal on Thursday its plans for a program of sovereign bond buying, as it steps up i

15 January 2015

Backward guidance, Chinese style

Since early 2014, the People’s Bank of China (PBC), the Chinese central bank, has deployed multiple policy tools to loosen its monetary policy st

14 January 2015

An investment plan for Europe

- The speech by Jyrki Katainen's, Vice president of the Commission, at the Bruegel event " An investment plan for Europe"

13 January 2015

The nod-and-wink lender of last resort

At his press conference on December 4, 2014, the ECB President Mario Draghi was asked if the ECB would be pari passu with other creditors. M

12 January 2015

The price of oil in 2015

My hunch for 2015 is that oil prices may continue to drop in the short term; unlike in the past four years, however, they are likely to finish the yea

12 January 2015

The deflation naysayers

What’s at stake: As the euro area experiences decreasing prices for the first time since 2009, not all economists are aboard the anti-deflation bandwa

09 January 2015

How to reduce the Greek debt burden?

Since Greece achieved a primary surplus of 2.7 percent of GDP in 2014 (which is expected to increase further in 2015), and there are uncertainties rel

06 January 2015

Why Grexit would not help Greece

The genie is out of the bottle: Europe is again discussing the possibility of Greece leaving the euro. With it, the debate has re-emerged whether this

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