
Bruegel Blog (archive)

Timely analysis on the latest developments in economic policy. The Blog is a point of reference for policymakers, influencers and journalists.

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Showing 1425-1440 of 2398 results

06 June 2013

Is the French government right on Amazon?

Amazon is under pressure from the French government. The company has been accused of anti-competitive practices to monopolise the book market in Franc

24 May 2013

Der erste große Wechsel

Nie war die Aufgabe von Bruegel klarer und seine Stimme lauter als im vergangenen Jahr. In den zehn Jahren, die seit der Gründungserklärung von Präsid

30 April 2013

Which way for the ECB?

Ahead of the ECB meeting, the debate on the right course for euro area macroeconomic policies has re-emerged. An interesting new feature of the debate

29 April 2013

Who got their money out of Cyprus?

The Central Bank of Cyprus released data today on the amount of deposits in Cypriot banks at the end of March. The original rescue plan, inv

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