
Bruegel Blog (archive)

Timely analysis on the latest developments in economic policy. The Blog is a point of reference for policymakers, influencers and journalists.

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24 March 2013

What comes after finance in Cyprus?

The prominent role of Cyprus's financial services is probably over anyway, irrespective of the actual content of the forthcoming agreement between the

22 March 2013

Chypre : calculs, cafouillages et émotions

Une bonne intrigue combine classiquement le froid calcul des acteurs rationnels, la dose de cafouillage nécessaire au réalisme, et ce qu’il faut d’émo

22 March 2013

Options for Cyprus

Cypriot government official and parliamentary members face major choices in the next few hours: the European Central Bank (ECB) concluded that it will

21 March 2013

No contagion from Cyprus so far

The Cyprus drama has not destabilised the rest of the eruo area so far, despite the talks about a possible ‘Cyprexit’, i.e. an exit of Cyprus form the

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