
Bruegel Blog (archive)

Timely analysis on the latest developments in economic policy. The Blog is a point of reference for policymakers, influencers and journalists.

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11 March 2013

Blogs review: The stock market recovery

What’s at stake: The strengthening of the U.S. economy was reflected last week by a positive jobs report with America adding 236,000 more jobs in

04 March 2013

Blogs review: The Minimum Wage debate

What’s at stake: In his State of the Union Address, US President Barack Obama resurrected a pledge to raise the minimum wage he had made during the 20

28 February 2013

The Euro Crisis: Mission Accomplished?*

High unemployment, bleak economic outlook, high public and private debts, dysfunctional banks, weak competitiveness, and an unfavorable external envir

27 February 2013

Is struggling Europe on the right track?

The latest European Commission outlook forecasts 2014 unemployment rates above 25 per cent in Greece and Spain, in the vicinity of 15 per cent in Irel

25 February 2013

The implications of the weakening Yen*

The recent trend of the weakening Japanese yen reflects a major policy shift in Japan, following the formation of the government of prime minister Shi

22 February 2013

The multiplier myth

Many international economists have recently claimed that fiscal multipliers are much larger now than in normal times. The economic recession in Europe

21 February 2013

What Mr Rehn should tell France.

When he presents the forecasts on Friday, should Olli Rehn, the commission’s vice-president, coerce governments in France and other countries int

21 February 2013

Competition policy trends in South Korea

Economists often talk about a strong correlation between market development and enforcement of competition policy rules. That is not surprising: compe

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