
Bruegel Blog (archive)

Timely analysis on the latest developments in economic policy. The Blog is a point of reference for policymakers, influencers and journalists.

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15 February 2013

How to read the EU budget deal? I

Now that the European Council has approved the MFF 2014-2020 commentators are indulging on an evaluation of “who wins, who losses”, whether at stake a

14 February 2013

Same old Europe

The deal on the Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020, which will regulate the EU’s annual budget, is a missed opportunity. As in the past, the EU

13 February 2013

How to read the EU budget deal? II

Structural and Cohesion Funds, if properly used, can represent an important instrument for economic growth. The European Council conclusions of 8 Febr

12 February 2013

L’Europe en morceaux

Avec un David Cameron acharné à préserver son rabais et à dégraisser la bureaucratie bruxelloise et un François Hollande soucieux de sauvegarder

12 February 2013

Good deal for Ireland, but no magic bullet

The promissory note deal announced last week by the Irish government and the Central Bank of Ireland will bring benefits to Ireland’s public finances

11 February 2013

The eurozone will muddle through (again)

At the last European Council summit of 2012, politicians decided to go ahead with the banking union while ending their reflections on fiscal union the

11 February 2013

Bruegel's Franco-German roots

'I have not been an enthusiastic supporter of every French, German, or Franco-German initiative, but I must say that this one was worth supporting.'

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