
Bruegel Blog (archive)

Timely analysis on the latest developments in economic policy. The Blog is a point of reference for policymakers, influencers and journalists.

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04 February 2013

Tim Geithner and Europe’s phone number

According to a famous (yet apocryphal) joke by Henry Kissinger, there is no telephone number to call to speak to Europe. Indeed the fragmentation of E

01 February 2013

Blogs review: Inequality and the recovery

What’s at stake: Inequality is again a hot topic in the blogosphere. While the early focus of that debate was about the role of inequality in fos

31 January 2013

(Slowly) back to normal in the Eurozone?

Private capital is returning to the distressed Eurozone countries and sovereign bonds. 2012 might be remembered as the year in which two “ends of the

31 January 2013

Wie alles anfing

„Ich habe mich nicht für jede französische, deutsche, oder deutsch-französische Initiative begeistert, aber diese hier war die Unterstützung wert“. Mi

31 January 2013

Kein schmerzfreier Ausweg

Das fiskalische Kliff in den USA können wir vergessen. Das eigentliche Problem ist der Schuldenberg - in Amerika, aber auch in Europa. Die Aufgabe, di

28 January 2013

Will Europe pay for Japan?

As the Bank of Japan is rolling out its new programme of quantitative easing, a significant debate about the impact on Europe is emerging. Is Japan en

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